October 2022 Reads

As always, I am grateful that I keep a written log of the books I read each month. Why? Because yet again, I thought I had a so-so reading month until I pulled up my list and was pleasantly surprised! And by the way, there are fancy ways to keep track of your reading- both in notebook form and on-line- but for me, simple is always best. I have a note on my phone titled ‘2022 Books Read’. When I finish a book, I pick up my phone (which, slightly disturbingly, is always close by but that is a post for another day!) add the title and author to the list and that is it!

So… read on for October reads!

October READS

Other Birds by Sarah Addison Allen- I have yet to be disappointed by a recommendation from @readwithtoni. I read Other Birds in one of Toni’s informal buddy reads on Instagram. The story is thoughtful but light with a hint of magical realism. In other words, this is a book I never would have picked up on my own and I ended up really enjoying it.

The Anomaly by Herve le Tellier- I have avoided The Anomaly for a long time because severe airplane turbulence is part of the plot. There are definitely some anxious moments but even I, a fearful flyer, was able to get past them to the enjoy the meatier part of the book. There are so many life questions to be asked during the reading of this story. I can’t say much more without spoiling a pretty major reveal but if you have not gotten to this back list title yet, I would definitely recommend it.

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte- Now how’s this for back list! I think I read Jane Eyre in high school but if I did I had very little recollection of it. I finally (at age 49!) read Jane Eyre with the company of a group of briliant Instagram friends and the wisdom of the woman from the Hot and Bothered podcast. With these women by my side, I LOVED the experience of reading Jane Eyre. I learned a ton and will now understand many more literary references than I once did.

Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead- The Underground Railroad is another book that has been on my shelves for years and yet another book that I read thanks to @readwithtoni. I listened to this one on audio and after reading comments in our discussion group, I think I might need to re-read in print. In general, I am really liking fiction on audio these days but this read may have suffered due to the the format I chose.

Heaven by Mieko Kawakami- I recently wrote a post about my experience with this book that you can read here. The book itself was really remarkable. The way the author captured the feeling of middle school bullying was powerful and quite scary.

Chouette by Claire Oshetsky- While reading Chouette, I knew it was a book that I would think about for a long time. It is fiction and weird but one of the best motherhood stories I have ever read.